About Us

The Guild first came into being on S. Anne’s Day in 1884 when a group of girls agreed to form an association primarily to provide gifts for the chapel (many of them had been there when the foundation stone was laid) but also to serve as a social club to keep old girls in touch with each other and with the school. It grew to include staff members and became known as S. Anne’s Guild. Gradually over the years it became more formalised with a constitution, rules and a committee.

Now nearly 140 years since its small beginnings, the Guild has a membership spread across the globe. Abbots Bromley students and staff share a special bond, a love for the school and the traditions that made it unique. AB friendships survive distance and decades.

The Guild of S. Mary & S. Anne is divided into ‘Circles’ (made up of several year groups) and historically students were given the opportunity to join the current Circle when they completed their education at the school. Each Circle has a Circle Secretary, usually a member of the Circle who maintains contact on behalf of the Guild with the other Circle members.

Guild membership is open to any student or member of staff who has attended the school regardless of when they left. We have life and annual membership options available. Please feel free to contact gdm@abguild.co.uk for more information if you are a former student (or parent enquiring on behalf of a former student) or member of staff interested in joining.

Ever since 1892 there has been an annual ‘Leaflet’ providing news of Guild members, reunions and updates from the school. The first issue was just four sides but it is now a booklet exceeding 150 pages. To mark the 100th anniversary since the amalgamation of the School of S. Anne and the School of S. Mary in 1921, the Guild has recently produced a book of memories made up of contributions from former students and staff.

We also have a ‘closed Facebook group’ for Guild members found here.